Communication Pacific
Communication Pacific


At CommPac, we help you reach your goals by collaborating with strong, innovative partners. Just as a company can often produce results more quickly and effectively than a single individual, so too can a team of companies often bring a wider range of know-how to bear on a client problem than any one firm. That’s why we partner with companies that offer particular expertise in certain areas: First Canoe Strategies & Consulting (government/military partnerships and consulting), Gilbert & Associates (advertising) and Paki Park Interactive (Interactive/Social Media Marketing).

Among the range of consulting services it offers, First Canoe helps businesses and community organizations in an area of the market that is not widely served – facilitating the creation of collaborative relationships with the military and other government organizations, particularly, but not exclusively, in Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region. The firm helps clients find opportunities they might not otherwise know are available.

First Canoe’s principals have an extensive background in strategic thinking and planning, building partnerships, and leveraging the region’s natural advantages to help clients make the most of opportunities in high technology, renewable energy, construction, disaster preparedness, food safety, and health and wellness, among other areas.

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Gilbert & Associates, headquartered on Maui, has provided award-winning advertising and marketing services throughout the Aloha State and beyond since 1974, delivering sound strategies and breakthrough creativity based on comprehensive research. The largest full-service advertising and marketing firm in Hawai‘i outside of Oahu, Gilbert & Associates is not simply in the business of giving clients what they expect, but what they never imagined possible.


Paki Park Interactive is an online marketing firm based in Austin, Tex., with a nationwide clientele. The firm strategically combines the power of search engine marketing (SEM), social media and website optimization to deliver what its founder and Senior Strategist Kalin Dudley calls “the new PR online” to “protect and advance your brand.” It does this by influencing the fast-moving conversations on social media (e.g., Facebook, YouTube and Twitter) in a way that can turn negative chatter about a brand or a company into something positive.

Born and raised in Honolulu, Dudley had some formative experiences at Honolulu’s Paki Park, a place whose basketball court is the site of pickup games dominated by well-known local high school and college players – and even, on occasion, by NBA players vacationing in the Islands. “You had to be tough, mentally and physically, to compete there,” he recalls. The lessons of Paki Park carry over into Dudley’s business today. “Online, you’re up against major corporations, not just mom-and-pop shops. You find your competitors are just as smart as you. And things change very, very quickly. You have to work hard, read a lot, study what others are doing, keep up with rapidly changing developments – and you need confidence in your ability to continually adapt and get the results you want. Paki Park molded me not just as a basketball player, but as a professional.”

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